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Shut Up And Listen 253

The Night Before Judgment Day

Tomorrow, I'm going to wake up, shower, get dressed, get my bag ready, shave, dry my hair, clean my ears, brush my teeth, get my shoes and jacket on, put on some good music, walk to Wilfred Jury Public School and vote for my local NDP candidate in the 2006 Canadian federal election.

The final polls before tomorrow's election show the Conservative Party with a solid lead over the Liberals. However, the lead doesn't seem to be quite enough to give the Tories a majority of seats in the House of Commons. Mr. Harper may be stuck with a minority government, people.

But, we'll be stuck with Prime Minister Harper. Heaven help us. We're fucked. I never thought I'd see the day where Stephen fucking Harper was crowned leader of this great nation.

I don't know if I've ever fully explained my dislike for Harper. Probably have, but fuck it. I'm a socialist. I have no problem admitting it. I believe in high taxes and extensive social programmes. I believe in government grants for the arts. I believe that of all the things in the world that are important, money should not be anywhere near the top of the fucking list.

Needless to say, Harper probably doesn't agree with me on much of this. Through in his religious attitude and outright bigotry with regards to homosexuals and I just plain don't like him. (Oh, and I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again: if you think that you're pro-marriage, not anti-gay, you're deluding yourself and you're retarded. If you've ever heard yourself seriously utter the phrase "I don't have anything against gay people, but . . ." just remember that that "but" is always followed, in my mind, with "I'm a bigot" no matter what it is you say.) And, for some reason, I have a problem with an open bigot leading my country. I don't know why, but it makes my flesh crawl. I'm just sensitive like that.

But, it doesn't matter what I think because Harper is going to win tomorrow. He will become Prime Minister. Nothing I can do to change that.

Nor is there anything Harper can do to save himself from becoming the next Joe Clark. A minority government will fuck him and the Tories over so much that it's not funny. They won't be able to make it last. The Liberals survived as long as they did because they had closer ties to the NDP and were supported by the Tories who hoped that if they waited long enough, the Liberals will self-destruct and be hated by each and every living Canadian.

Except, Justice Gomery cleared Martin of any wrongdoing. Sure, the Liberals at the time were corrupt, but those Liberals have been gone for a while. Oops. Smooth move, Harper.

Yeah, the Tories will probably last around six to nine months in office before the other parties vote them out or Harper has compromised so many of his principles to stay in power that his caucus revolts. Those are the options that I see, but I could be wrong. It happens.

So, tomorrow, we all go and vote and Harper will win. Fucking hell.