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Shut Up And Listen 238

Automatic Organ Donation

A week or two ago, the government of Ontario rejected a plan to make organ donation after death an automatic program that everyone is enrolled in with an option to opt out of. The current system involves the person having to choose to be enrolled in the program when getting a driver's licence or health card, and because of this, there is a shortage of organ donation. It rejected the plan because it is seen an improper to automatically assume people want to save the lives of others. Or, in other terms, the politicians are little fucking pussies who don't have the balls to tell people what the right fucking thing to do it.

Oh, people have plenty of arguments for why they can't or won't donate their organs after they die, but those arguments are bullshit. They are wrong. They are selfish. And most of all: they kill people.

That's what we're talking about here. Killing people. We're not talking about invading the privacy of others or infringing upon their religious beliefs, we're talking about those people choosing to let other people die. And you know what? Someone needs to tell those fucking retards that that isn't fucking right.

Your religion says it's wrong to cut up a dead person despite the fact that it can save four people's lives? Your religion is stupid and wrong. I know you're not supposed to say that sort of thing these days, but fuck you, it's stupid and wrong. If you religion is one that somehow thinks a dead body needs its organs more than a living person then it's a stupid religion that is wrong. What the fuck does a dead person need its liver for? That's right: it doesn't. But a person whose liver is shot to fuck and will die without a new one fucking does. Forgive me if that pisses off your god, but if it does, your god is an asshole and you're an idiot for following what it says.

Of course, beliefs are all subjective, but let me put it this way: their beliefs will kill innocent people for no good reason and mine will save lives. Have we gotten so fucking culturally sensitive and afraid that we can't see simple reason? That we can't see right and wrong? Because, one choice is right and the other is wrong.

Besides, the plan included an opt out option. If people feel really strong about it, they can say no. Now, it's true some people may feel uncomfortable about saying they explicitly want people to die, but that's because they should feel uncomfortable saying that. It's not the job of the government to make people feel comfortable about making stupid fucking choices. It's the job of the government to make sure as many of its citizens see tomorrow as possible, especially in a country like Canada where we all agreed that everyone deserves the right to healthcare. We've made that a priority and we need to stand up for that choice.

Another argument is that it's a slippery slope, but I hate that argument. It's a stupid argument that's based in exclusively in the realm of the theoretical. Why even have organ donations after death? Simply having that concept could lead to the government storming into your house and harvesting you for rich people who need it more. Oh, does that seem like a large leap of logic that boarders on the absurd? Why? Because when you draw a line it doesn't mean you're going to redraw it two days later. If we say that automatic organ donation after death with an opt out clause is as far as we're willing to go, then maybe, just maybe, that's as far as we're willing to go.

The government seriously needs to reconsider its decision to doom thousands of people to pointless deaths. The Premier needs to stand up in front of the TV cameras and say that saving lives actually matters. It will be an unpopular decision in some circles. It will have people up in arms. But, it will be the right thing to do and it will save lives.