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Shut Up And Listen 223

Wasting Time

Does the US Congress really have nothing better to do than to once again try and push an amendment to the constitution banning flag burning through the system? I mean, fuck healthcare, the economy, education, the environment, terrorism, the deficit, international trade and relations, social programs, and all of those other issues that any person with at least an IQ of twelve would recognise as being far, far, far more important than the burning of the American flag.

Seriously, how can America not look like a joke to the rest of the world when this sort of thing is seen as a top priority? It's a goddamn flag. Yes, it's a symbol of all that America represents, but so what? So are about twenty-seven other things. Other countries' flags are symbols of all that they represent, but you don't see any of them getting so upset about flag burning.

Besides, is the burning of the American flag a huge problem right now? I mean, I know it's an issue overseas in countries with American troops on every corner, but I wasn't aware that thousands of Americans were out there just lighting those flags up. I know the American media would be reluctant to show stuff like that as it would somehow compromise their unwavering patriotic spirit, but I'm sure some of it would filter through--if only for one brief little story. But since I haven't seen that, I must question whether or not it is an actual problem.

But why is it such a big thing in the US? Why don't other countries give a fuck and instead recognise that a symbol is just a symbol ultimately? I've heard it attributed to the Pledge of Allegiance and their obsession with saluting the flag and while I agree with that explanation, is that a good thing in and of itself? What is with that ultra-patriotism that takes its form through the worship of a piece of cloth? Is that healthy?

I'm even hesitant to use the word "patriotism" to describe it as people from numerous other nations are just as patriotic as the average American, but don't have the same sense of flag worship as Americans seem to. I'm a patriotic Canadian, but if another Canadian felt the need to protest by burning the Canadian flag, I would just write them off as an inarticulate fuckhead who has the mentality of 14-year old obsessed with fire.

And that is a key to the issue that is often overlooked: it is Americans burning the flag. That puts flag-burning in this sense outside of the realm of hate speech. It's like an Islam flushing the Koran down the toilet; it's an asshole thing to do, but not a hate crime. If an American wants to burn the American flag, they should have the right to. It's just as much their flag as it is any other American's.

Why is it right to use the flag to justify certain political views by some Americans but not alright to justify other ones? What is worse: using the flag as inspiration for killing innocent people or burning the flag in protest of those actions?

When it comes down to it, it's an issue of free speech and not even in the top fifty of issues most relevant to the people of America. It isn't going to get passed, so what's the point beyond the typical "we love our country more than you" bullshit rhetoric those behind it like to put out there? It's a waste of time and money.