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Shut Up And Listen 196

Blinding Pain Behind My Eyes

I'm amazed I'm actually up to writing this fucking thing. For the past couple of days, I have been sick, sick, sick. Well, nothing too bad, really. Only threw up once. More just been feeling like shit. Sore throat, achy body, random bouts of extreme fatigue and blinding headaches. But, I am doing better today than I was yesterday, so that's good, right? It's Saturday afternoon, about twenty after two, I just finished watching Lost In Translation on DVD, have the White Stripes' DVD Under Blackpool Lights on now, am drinking some orange juice, and watching the light bits of snow fall outside. Kind of annoyed, because today was the Christmas gathering for the people on my mom's side of the family, which includes my little cousins who think I'm the greatest person ever (yes, kids aren't that bright), and I was looking forward to it a little. My mom and decided to stay home because we didn't want to infect anyone else with our horrible illness.

I learned one big thing while sick: whenever you want to sleep, your body will want to be awake and whenever you're watching a movie or TV show, your body will demand sleep. It's strange.

The White Stripes are definitely an album band. Well, for one thing, we're on the seventh song and I don't think they've actually done a complete version of any song, but I think they could just be going for a medley thing. They also seem to just go for loud rather than good. It's alright and all, just better on the albums.

I had some kind of rant or two planned for this week. One was about displays of the ten commandments in courthouses in the states and how that's one fucking retarded idea. I mean, what purpose does it serve? You can't tell me that it serves any other purpose other than to promote the Judeo-Christian-Islamic faiths (as they all believe in the ten commandments in some form or another). Don't be giving me any bullshit about them actually helping society, because I highly doubt some person is going to be walking past the courthouse, see them and then go, "Oh, killing is bad? Guess I won't do that then." It serves absolutely no purpose. One argument is that in the US, there's freedom of religion, not freedom from religion, which is an okay argument if we were talking about someone's private property, which we're not. No, this is government property, which should be seen as free from religion. I was flipping around the channels yesterday and there was some talk on CNN and this reverend made a good point that if Christians or whoever are so obsessed with putting their shit up, there are enough of them that they can use their lawns or churches or whatever. One thing I find funny about it is, if you're a member of a faith that believes in them, shouldn't you know the ten commandments, and if you do, why would you need a big fucking stone tablet thing at the courthouse to remind you?

The headache is almost gone, but I can still feel twinges of it. I think I may lie back down now and try to enjoy the rest of this DVD. Alright, join me next week for a special Christmas column (I say special now, but it will probably be the same old bullshit). Later.