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Shut Up And Listen 195

Stupidity, Personal Responsibility, And The Military

This column may surprise you, as I'm going to side with the US military against soldiers who don't want to fight. I know, I know, didn't see this one coming.

The first case involves Canada and a stupid fucking man. We have a US soldier who is applying for refugee status to escape the war. Now, this is a man who signed up for service, specified where he would serve (the area of the armed forces and subsequently the area within the army), and then after completely training decided "Gee, I don't want to be put in a position where I'll have to kill someone." Say it with me, children: RETARD! This is a completely retarded man who deserves to be put in hazardous combat situations where he could die and thus make the world a little bit more intelligent. This is a simple issue of personal responsibility. This guy made a choice and now that he doesn't like that choice, he wants someone to come along and say "Well, okay, you don't have to follow-through on your commitment." Sorry, asshole, but it doesn't work that way. I mean, look at me: I don't want to be put in a position where I'll have to kill people, especially when I don't agree with the reasons why I'm killing them, but here's how I've managed to avoid that little conundrum of a situation: I haven't joined the fucking army! What the fuck was he thinking? When you join the army, guess what? You're agreeing to be put in situations where you'll have to kill people, and not just enemies, but totally 100% innocent civilians, and you're agreeing to fight in wars where you don't agree with the reasons why. It's as simple as that. Didn't he hear of Vietnam? (And on that subject, there is a big difference between Vietnam and Iraq in that Canada would accept people involuntarily drafted into the army, while everyone involved with Iraq are volunteers, and that makes a big difference as far as the idea of a refugee goes.) Whether or not you agree with the war in Iraq is irrelevant to the issue here. What matters is that this guy made a commitment where everything he claims is why he should be granted refugee status was a possibility beforehand and if he didn't consider those possibilities, well, fuck him, he's stupid. Here's hoping the courts reject his request and send him back.

The second case involves all of those active duty soldiers who are being kept beyond their specified terms of service and all those reservists who are being called into active duty beyond their specified length of duty who are now suing because oh no, they didn't know this could happen: more fucking morons. The fact that in times of war or great need the army can keep you for longer than you signed up for is right in the fucking contracts they all signed. The fact that they didn't read those contracts means absolutely nothing and just shows that they're fools who enter into life-altering contracts without reading them. So sorry, but pack your bags, you're going to Iraq. This is similar to the other case where all the politics about the war don't apply and it comes down to people making commitments and complaining when things happen they didn't think of, but were obviously possibilities. (Of course, the idea that the contracts didn't include these provisions was brought up and if that is the case--although, it is highly, highly, highly unlikely--then obviously they should be let out as the army has no legal right to keep them, but that's a big if.)

These are just more symptoms of the death of personal responsibility. We have a bunch of stupid people who make stupid commitments without considering all of the options and now want to be granted an out. These are the same people who want the government to stay out of their lives and want all sorts of freedoms, but what do they do? They use that freedom to make decisions and then want the courts (aka part of the government) to bail them out because they are stupid. I sincerely hope the courts see the stupidity of all involved and make these people adhere to their commitments. Remember: if you want freedom, that means accepting the consequences of your choices.

This all may sound harsh to some--particularly those who are against the war--, but fuck it, they put themselves in these situations and I'd rather these idiots get fucked over by their own stupidity then our society once again take another step in the direction where personal responsibility is a meaningless concept, because nothing is our own faults and if we mess up, we get an automatic do-over. Stupidity is not an excuse. And guess what, if somehow this column causes some negative consequences against me, I'll deal with it and not blame anyone else, because I know exactly what I'm doing. Imagine that.