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Shut Up And Listen 191

Bush Re-Election: Second Thoughts

You know what, the whole Bush re-election didn't really hit me that hard. I kind of expected it to happen. I know the American people--and sure, Bush barely slid by with a bit over half of the votes cast, but I'm going to refer to that minority (as they would only be a majority if almost 100% of the voting population did in fact vote) as "the American people" because it suits my purposes, so complain if you must, but I don't give a fuck--and I know that the American people are stupid, easily led, easily distracted, and well, stupid. Really, really, really, really, really, really fucking stupid. To be fair, people everywhere are stupid too, it's not just America. But you know what my first thoughts were when Bush won? "The American people have spoken and they have declared, `We are fucking retards! Hate us for four more years!'" They did re-elect Nixon, so, as I said, I wasn't surprised.

Kerry was a shitty candidate. Not as bad as Gore, but still pretty shitty. Look at Bush and then think about how anyone could possibly lose to that. Let's see . . . fucked up economy, fucked up war, fucked up war on terror, fucked up education, fucked up healthcare . . . the list goes on and yet Kerry couldn't pull it off, and thus he's a pathetic loser.

Interesting little addition to Kerry: my mom and I were watching his concession speech (what a fucking loser to quit like that) and he's going through the thank you list and all, and he comes to Edwards' wife. So he says some nice things about her, except a little too nice and with a little too much affection, and my mom turns to me and says, "You think he fucked her?" And I did. I really did.

I've given up on America. I have. This will sound all kinds of harsh, but please don't take it as such, but . . . Say America gets hit by a terrorist attack tomorrow, I won't actually give a fuck. Oh, I'll be sorry and sad that innocent people were killed--I'll never, EVER be happy about innocent people being killed, but the fact that America, the symbol, the nation, whatever got attacked? Don't care. Fuck America.

We have ourselves a nation that actually has the gall to say it invaded another nation in the name of freedom, but then voted against gay marriage in what, eleven states? Can we say hypocrites? Actually, that leads to the fact that The Daily Show did better election coverage than any news network. The next day, they gave the most insightful commentary on how middle America voted: where are the most gay people and risk of terrorist attacks? Gee, could that be New York and California? And how did those people vote? Kerry. Middle America voted Bush, claiming that values and terrorism were the main issues. That says it all right there, I think.

I wish I had more to say, but I don't, actually. America, you're fucked. But feel better about it, because you would have been fucked no matter what. Congratulations.

A Quick Word On Remembrance Day

I wore my poppy this past week on my coat for Remembrance Day, but I don't buy into those reasons most people give for it. They talk about how the soldiers fought for our freedom or made the ultimate sacrifice, but that's bullshit. That's just the shit our society likes to tell itself so it doesn't feel guilty. Me, I wore my poppy, because it could have been me and I'd be an asshole if I didn't show some sign of mourning and remembrance for that. All of the soldiers who fought in World War I and World War II were guys just like me. They were around my age, they were all guys, and it pisses me off that they were duped into two wars under the guise of patriotism and fighting for freedom when it wasn't about that. Not for Canada. We were never in danger. World War I is the one I'm speaking of mostly. I'll give people World War II as a war that had some good behind it, on our side. World War I though? Every single one of those deaths was for nothing. Abso-fucking-lutely nothing. It was a war that began because the old European empires were all collapsing and were pissed off about it, and we got dragged in because we were too stupid to say no.

So I wore my poppy, because it was unfair that we did that to them and we should fucking have the balls to stand up and apologise for it, instead of covering it up with bullshit excuses.