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Shut Up And Listen 175

Why I Hate George W. Bush, Jr.

People this week seem to have been dwelling on why, oh why, people have such animosity towards the current president of the United States of America. Why, oh why, do people hate George W. Bush, Jr. so much? Well, I'm going to tell you why I hate the man. And yes, I do mean hate. I outright loathe the fucker and make no apologies for it.

First off, he's a spoiled little rich kid who hasn't really earned anything he's got. I've had people say he's smart because of the schools he went to. What the fuck? Maybe the rest of us would be impressed if he got into those schools for any other reason other than the fact his last name is Bush. Maybe if he actually earned his way there we'd actually nod our heads and then say, "Okay, okay. He may not speak well in public, but he did go to Yale and Harvard Business School." But we don't.

People talk about a need for political experience, but what experience does Bush have? He was governor of Texas, this is true. But to be fair, his accomplishments up until then had mostly just been running businesses into the ground and being the president's idiot son. So he ran for the office of governor in Texas and won because his name is Bush and that name actually means something in Texas apparently. And then after that, he ran for president because that only seemed natural.

Which leads us to point number two: did he actually win the 2000 election? You mention that now and you get people saying, "Oh give it up, it's over and done with!" but come on, did he actually legitimately win? And before you answer, if Al Gore was "elected" in the exact same way, would you say he won? Or would you still be bitching about how he stole the election and isn't the real president? Don't you just love how partisan politics make you act like an idiot?

Reason the third for why I hate Bush: his lack of respect for life. He's not shied away from extensive military campaigns after September 11 that have not been done in such a way to actually capture and punish those responsible, but just wreak vengeance upon an area of the world that doesn't seem to like America or that nasty man in Iraq who tried to kill his daddy. I'm not saying he hasn't been successful in his own way in certain regards to actually capturing and punishing those actually responsible for the loss of life from terrorist attacks, but holy fuck, how many civilians have died? If the police want to catch a criminal, how often do they bomb an entire block? A president should be more level-headed than to just lash out because he's angry.

Fourthly, his utter and complete lack of disrespect for the American people and the American way of life. Separation of church and state? Free speech? Right to counsel? Telling the truth? What the fuck are you talking about?

And as you may have noticed, Bush is not alone in pretty much all of these. That's what brings me to the fifth, and most important, reason as to why I hate that fucker: because he's so fucking successful despite all of this and people are fucking morons who buy his bullshit. That's fucking why.