Shut Up And Listen 142 Suicide Been thinking about suicide lately. And no, not killing myself. Although, I will admit the thought has crossed my mind in the past. It just never seemed like a great option. Pretty damn selfish and weak if you ask me. No, I’ve been thinking about suicide as more about other people and a general concept. On Thursday, I went to my school to do work for my work study, and before I got down to more transcription work, I checked my e-mail and also headed over to Millarworld, a message board I frequent. And right there in the pub (the “hang-out” area where people just talk about whatever) was a thread where a friend of mine was saying “goodbye” to us all. Obviously many people assumed the worse and were freaking out. When I came on, it was seven hours later and no one had been able to contact him because no one knew his number. I did, as he gave me it a while back for emergencies, and I did the same. But I was not near a phone, so I gave the number to someone else who was able to phone. He got the brother and the brother didn’t seem upset or anything. Around ten minutes later, our good friend came on and clarified that he was simply leaving the boards for a while. Now, people have left the boards before, but they’ve always been quite clear that they were leaving the boards, not just leaving a vague message that will cause people to assume the worst. This wasn’t the first time this had happened, so people are kind of on edge about possible suicide attempts. Me, I’m just totally sick of it. I am sick of these fucking whiny, weak people who are so fucking selfish and self-absorbed that they don’t fucking think about anyone other than themselves and their little fucking problems. Everyone’s got problems. You know what you do? You suck it up and you deal with them. You don’t kill yourself and essentially fuck everyone else’s lives. And what really pisses me off are those fucking “cry for help” suicide attempts. Instead of just asking people for help or trying to talk, they decide to freak everyone the fuck out by damn near killing themselves. The simple fact that in the back of their minds they know they’ll be saved and will then be listened to should tell them that there are people who already care about them and will listen. Oh, but that would actually require stopping and thinking before just blindly acting. What I’m saying may sound cold or cruel, but it’s not meant as such. I’m not one of those people who think all suicidal people need is a good kick in the ass or whatever. I think they do need help, but they need to be told the truth too. They need to be told that what they’re doing is insanely selfish and just stupid. Things will get better, but they require actual effort and work, not self-pity and whining. That’s all I have to say this week.