Shut Up And Listen 59 Correction Last week when I said that the sale of Hydro One had anything to do with the actual privatization of electricity in Ontario, I was wrong. Privatization and that were related but only in that the government was trying to rid itself of anything and everything to do with electricity. By the way, Eves backed off on the sale of Hydro One so that he could win the by-election for his seat in provincial parliament. Family Values Tomorrow there is a family gather. Well, it’s a bit bigger than just a family gathering. It’s for my uncle Joe. You see, this year is his twentieth anniversary of being a priest and they decided to celebrate it. I won’t be there. My mom, dad, sisters, aunt, uncles, grandparents and all sorts of other people will, but I’ll be at home cutting the grass and cleaning the bathroom. I’d rather cut the grass and clean the bathroom than show any support for that. Way back in October I told you a little about the Nevett family. I won’t go into huge details, but they’re fucked up and my uncle the priest is the worst of all. He could be on Jerry Springer. The short version: he’s a priest, has been moved around a few times under suspicious circumstances, is very, very close to his former secretary and her family, and she had a baby a few years back that apparently looks just like me when I was that age. The baby is treated almost like a member of the family at family gatherings, which the secretary and her husband and other kids attend. I don’t think I need to draw you a map, but I will anyways. My uncle Joe is a priest. Been one for twenty years. He comes from very religious parents and is the second oldest child and oldest male. He is the obvious favourite given that he is a priest and the oldest male. He can do no wrong in their eyes. But the truth is he’s a Catholic priest through and through. He has been moved around three or four times in the past twelve years. There was one instance where I hear he got in shit for doing something with some woman, I believe. My memories of what has been going on with him start with his last assignment. It was up near where Grandma Flossy, my mom’s mom lived. This is where he met Kelly, the future mom of his son. She was his secretary at the church, so it was only natural for them to become friends and all. When we visited him we would often play with her kids as we were all around the same ages. Kelly and her family became family friends. But technically, they soon became family. My uncle Mike lives down in Alabama, and one summer my grandparents were going down to visit him. With them went my sisters, my aunt Mary, Joe, Kelly, and her kids. About nine months later Luke was born. Since then, Kelly and her family have essentially replaced us in the family, which doesn’t really bother me that much. Everyone has really just turned a blind eye to what’s going on except for us. And the church. Soon after Luke’s birth Joe was moved to the a place that is a little less than the same distance from London, but in the opposite direction. Not that stops him and Kelly from hooking up. We’d often joke when going home after a weekend at Grandma Flossy’s that we’d see Joe pass us on the way. But when you get down to it, Joe is what’s wrong with the Catholic Church. He doesn’t follow his vows. He fathered a child, for fuck’s sake! He may have done much worse for all I know. The thing that burns my parents though is the way that everyone turns a blind eye to it. Look how they’re celebrating his twenty years of lying. My not going isn’t just because of my detest for the Catholic Church, but also for my detest of my uncle Joe, the priest, the father, and the liar. Here’s to twenty more years of living the Catholic dream!