Tuesday April 24, 2001 Shut and Listen--Mid-Week Special Damn The Man! You Know You’re Desperate For A Cause When Today the fight with the library Nazi began today and we will not stop until we can play hearts. Uh, let me explain . . . Lunchbox and I both have fifth period spare and since fifth is at the end of the day the caf is closed. The only place to go really is the library. After a few weeks, we got bored with chess, computers and just sitting. Then a guy I know from calculus invited us to play hearts with him. Within five minutes we were informed by the librarian that cards are not permitted in the library and if we weren’t going to do any work, we were to leave. We laughed and a minute later were playing again. We got kicked out. This back and forth has continued and even spread to the computers, as we try to play hearts over the network. This is also not allowed. It may just be about cards, but it’s still wrong. So, today Lunchbox and some Other Guy were playing hearts on the computer and I was writing stuff up on Wizard’s and Marvel’s message boards (that’s allowed). The librarian told them to stop or they would have to leave. Lunchbox complied, but the Other Guy didn’t. Ten minutes later, the Other Guy was kicked out. In between this and getting kicked off, Lunchbox printed out eleven sheets of paper that had the words “I hate Nazi librarians” repeated over and over and over again. When the Other Guy was leaving, he was saying bye to us all in a very slow manned and when he got to Lunchbox, Lunchbox gave him a small hug-type thing that was really just one arm behind the back. Lunchbox got kicked out, too. On his way out, he left a copy of his “word document” on the librarian’s desk. Then he proceeded to place them all over the school with me in toe, laughing my ass off. On a related note: there is a movement to boycott the cafeteria because they charge for jam and other things. I don’t support this because: 1) Who cares? 2) It’s their right. 3) Again, who cares? America: Yet Another Rant On My Neighbours To The South Heard about some guy down in the good ol’ US of A is protesting China not returning the US spyplane by going to all-you-can-eat Chinese restaurants and eating until they kick him out. He plans to do this at several restaurants. This guy gets this week’s Dumbass Award For Dumbassery. Congrats, asshole! Well, I’m leaving now. More info later. DAMN THE MAN!