Shut Up and Listen Monday May 21, 2001 The Party That Wasn’t Yeah, Tubby Bitch, Anarchy and I were the only ones at Tubby Bitch’s place last night. It was fun still. We shot off some pellet guns. I know I deplore violence, but they’re PELLET GUNS, Anarchy could barely kill that frog. It took him like ten dead-on shots and we still weren’t sure it was dead, it was beginning to get dark out. We played some pool and Anarchy was gone in five minutes because he sunk the eight ball. I then played Tubby Bitch and I lost because after half-an-hour, I sunk the eight ball. Anarchy left and then Tubby Bitch and I watched Transformers: The Movie. And, before you get upset, Lunchbox, I gave it to you on Tuesday. Or I will, since right now it’s Monday still.(Tuesday note: I gave it to you, so sod off!) This morning we played some 64 and I went home. It was fun. Response Ray e-mailed me today and asked why he hadn’t heard from me lately. I replied that I sent in my scripts and was waiting for him to ask me for some more stuff. HA! =] Tuesday May 22, 2001 Cranium Headache I hate my brain. It pisses me off, so we’re not talking now. My brain never quits and sometimes it really gets to me. People have always told me that I think too much or asked if my brain ever stops thinking and I’ve always been proud of this. Then there are times when it just WON’T STOP! I told you about that girl who gives me dirty looks, right? Most people would have let that go, but, oh no, not my brain. It has to analyze the situation. And it still hasn’t stopped. The other day on the phone Lunchbox told me that he’d like to hook me up with one of his friends who is weird like me. Then when I responded negatively, he brought it down to just wanting to see a conversation between the two of us. I haven’t really stopped thinking about that since. And it bothers me. I could list hundreds, if not thousands, of examples. And, off topic a bit, but did you know that sometimes when people are talking and ask me something, I feign ignorance? They’ll ask me something and I’ll pretend like I wasn’t listening. I don’t know why, but I do that. Wednesday May 23, 2001 Not Much And You? How are things with you? I don’t ask that enough I think. How’s your life? Uh-huh. Yeah. That’s no good. Shit, you’re depressing the hell out of me. Stop talking please. Shut up! Oh, boy, here come the waterworks. No, I didn’t mean it. Yes, I like your ideas and respect you. Okay, continue then. . . . . . Okay, that’s enough. Go away. Shut up! Prank caller! Prank caller! I’m very, very bored. Thursday May 24, 2001 I Got A Ride Home Yeah, me and Lunchbox were at the mall because we were bored. As we were leaving I remembered that my mom is at the mall everyday around this time, so I found her car, waited for five-ten minutes and got a ride home. And we did give Lunchbox a ride home, too. I’m not an asshole, you know. Friday May 25, 2001 Prom I didn’t go, but stayed home from school today anyways. I’m kind of depressed about not going. It’s almost over now, I believe. I know what you’re thinking: I hate people and gatherings, so why would I be depressed about not going to a large gathering of people? Symbolism. I’m depressed about the symbolism that is prom. It symbolizes my life to a tee. Girls don’t like me, other than in a very nice and friendly way like the non-male entity that I am. That’s the main thing that it represents. No girlfriend. It always comes down to that, doesn’t it? I’ve got a one-track mind. The thing I find funny is that some people would ask why I’m not going. They’re being polite, I like that. They all know the reasons and I don’t have to say them. I generally just looked at them for a few seconds to give the message that I understand what they’re doing, but fuck off. Yesterday, Lunchbox and I, as walking to the mall, were discussing our sad lives; an almost daily occurrence. He asked if I still liked the girl that I like but can’t mention her name in case someone reads this and tells her. I said “Eh.” She has a boyfriend and ever since my discovery of that, my interest level has been going down. Then I had to clarify that I meant interest level for a relationship. She’s still hot, you know. I’m still suicidal after all these years, but don’t have the ambition to actually do the deed. What’s the point? Things could get better. Plus, I’ve still got many books and comics to read, TV shows and movies to watch, music to listen to and hopefully, one day get me some o’ that! Saturday May 26, 2001 “I Am Seriously Getting Pissed Off Right Now!” Just finished the new Star Trek: New Frontier book by Peter David that I got from the library. It was good. But there is one more after this one and it is a direct continuation. Guess what the library hasn’t done yet? Ordered the motherfucker up! This pisses me off to no end. And even if they ordered it right now, I’d have to wait six months for it to go from “on order” to “in processing” where it would stay for eight months while every library staff member who wants to read it will. I know this because the aforementioned issue was put on hold by me before any other person and it looked well read when I got it. If I had money I’d go out and buy it, but it’s a hardcover, too. Dammit! NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mr. McDonald is retiring this year. Good for him, bad for his students. I think he’s making a good choice for himself. He should retire and start taking it easy. His students though will miss out on one of the best teaches ever to grace the halls of a school. Read my previous column on him to get my feelings. It’s a shame, though.