Friday March 23, 2001 Shut Up And Listen 1 I believe that’s the title for my column. I’ve written a few things before this and might post them, but this is the pre-building column for my web site. Yesterday, I opened my account with the good people of geocities and will begin the construction any day now. The breaking ground ceremony is scheduled for next Wednesday. So now I’m going to be able to get my word out to the masses of the world. Cool, eh? Dido and the Re-Mix Just this Monday I got Dido’s premiere CD entitled No Angel and I must say that it kicks ass. Most of the songs are about relationships and all that crap, but it has a nice combination of rock/pop/techno beat. The first song, “Here With Me” (some of you may know of it from the show Roswell) struck a weird chord with me. Something that I’ve only felt when it came to writing: a Need. I’ve had the Need to write for years now and it only grows over time. With this song I kept getting the Need to do something to it. I think I’d like to do a re-mix of it. The only musical experience I have is playing a couple songs on the piano, grade 8 recorder and my listening to music all the time. I’ve always wanted to do something musically because I love music, but I’ve never really had the talent or the urge. Before now. A friend of mine, Dream Conception, fancies himself on being a little bit of a DJ in his alternate persona of DJ Dex. About three weeks ago, he sauntered into class with a copy of some DJ magazine that he was mentioned in as one of the coolest MP3s of the month for a re-mix he did of one of his internet friend’s songs. That was when the idea began I think. That’s when I realized that I could do that too. Now, every time I hear “Here With Me” I can’t help but get the urge to re-mix it. Not hugely, mind you, but just enough to satisfy my Need. I’d make the opening longer and change to order of a few things. It’s hard to explain, but I know what I want. Maybe on Monday I’ll ask Dream Conception about it. This Girl I Like Who I Won’t Name Because Someone Could Read This And Tell Her And That Would Suck Because She’s Got A Boyfriend Yeah, so the title says it all doesn’t it? There’s a girl that I like, have liked for a while, she has a boyfriend and that really pisses me off. Just thought you’d all like to know. Religion and What I Think About It (Part One of a intermittent series) I go to a Catholic school. I don’t believe in catholic teachings. I still take religion class because I feel obligated to and I find religion interesting. It shows me the best people and the worst people all in one glimpse and that is truly amazing. I get to examine the biggest pieces of shit that the world have ever borne and some of what I considered to be the best fiction ever. Because that’s all the Bible is to me: fiction with a pretty good message. I mean, people back then couldn’t write fiction? Everything had to be the Bible-fucking-truth? (I know that statement sort of goes against what I just said, but that’s just the expression) Sure I’ll admit it might have been based on some true things, but it was also made into an allegory to actually make sense in the context of a Bible. The Gospels really amuse me because they were written 40-70 years after Jesus got his ass crucified by his own people. Most people back then didn’t live much more than 40-50 years, so how is it that people can quote Jesus word for word? Do you know what they did? (that is, if Jesus did exist) They took made most of it up to promote a message of peace and stuff! Odds are there was a guy who was similar to Jesus, a freethinker that pissed off the local authorities. An anarchist. A cult leader that had a good enough following that a mythos was created around him. Warren Ellis put it best in one of his Bad World columns when he wrote: “If Jesus existed  and the historical evidence isn't exactly forgiving on the point  then the odds are good that he was a local politician who knew his Old Testament.” (Also, go out and read that entire column. It’s called Bad Jesus and can be found at Just go down to the Bad World link.) Now, I’ll get to the Christians. Let me say that for the most part I hate Christianity. Christians have done of the worst things ever in history and somehow base their faith on a message of peace. They’re hypocrites and their archaic rituals are obsolete. Now, there are some good Christians. Mother Theresa was one of the best people ever and she was a Christian. But for every Mother Theresa there’s about ten thousand Bible-thumpers that I’d like to just shoot into the sun. Bible-thumpers are the epitome of all that is wrong with Christianity. they let the words get in the way of the Truth. It isn’t important if Mary was a virgin or if Jesus was gay. The Bible has one message for people as far as I’m concerned: Be good to one another and to all of creation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It’s a hard Truth for some people, I know, but get over it! To be continued . . . (I don’t know when. Whenever I get a fancy to write on the subject. I’ve got tons of thoughts on it. Check out my comics The History of Earth and Angels on this site; both are working titles, if any of you have better ones I’d love to hear them.) Okay, so I’ll write more later. See ya’! I’m off to watch Beggars And Choosers and then South Park.