OK, for the last twenty or so weeks you've heard me bitch on about some of the shittiest things this world has to offer. I've told you what I thought, I've offered advice on how to deal with it. I've tried to keep things humourous, but at the end of the day it was still me bitching. So id there anything I actually like? Yes, of course there is. And today I'm going to tell you about one of them. There is a man who celebrities fear more than anyone else in the entire world. This man has produced radio and television shows ridiculing B-rate celebrities with bogus interviews and has convinced many of them to stand up and support some rather ludicrous campaigns. This man's name is Christopher Morris, and he is a genius. Many people in the UK will have heard of such programmes as The Day Today, and Brass Eye. These are two of the television programmes that Morris produced. The Day Today was a spoof news programme. Brutal in its execution, it took everything that was wrong with news broadcasting in the early nineties and amplified it by a thousand decibels. However ridiculous it may have seemed back in 1994, today one could look back and call it prophetic. The style of production present in The Day Today is now present in virtually all television news broadcasts, from CNN to BBC News 24. Think over the top graphical representations of stock market fluctuations, cinematic news-reporting, and a front man that is as confrontational as he is bigoted. You could be forgiven for thinking that The Day Today was a real news bulliten if you watched it today. Brass Eye was a similar style of programme, but ran along a slightly different tangent. A spoof current-affairs documentary, Brass Eye was home to some of the most fantastic celebrity ridicule this world has ever seen. What would happen is this. Morris would set up a false company, claiming that this company was helping some cause (stopping drugs, cruelty to animals, etc). Celebrities would then be asked to appear on the programme with their views. Sounds like Morris is the bad guy, right, trapping celebs like this? No. You see, the subjects the celebrities were discussing were so incredibly implausible that a monkey could see through them. But blinded by an easy paycheck and some much needed publicity, the celebrities trapped themselves. I mean, how many of you would think that something was amiss if the company called themselves "Free The United Kingdom from Drugs and British Opposition to Metabolically Bisturbile Drugs" (F.U.K.D and B.O.M.B.D)? There is just no accounting for stupidity, and celebrities seem to have this in spades. The most recent episode of Brass Eye, the aptly titled Brass Eye Special, was met with outcry from the UK tabloid press, who naturally knew absolutely nothing of which they were writing. The episode was about Paedophilia. Naturally, as Morris was making jokes about Child Abuse, he was a sick man, right? Well, what the papers failed to realise was that Morris was not making light of child abuse. He was in fact taking the piss out of all the tabloid knee-jerk reactions to child abuse. And by printing knee-jerk reactionism, the tabloid newspapers played right into his hands. To this day, I do not believe they realise that they are the ones we're all laughing at. Still, you know what these idiots are like, right? Morris excels at audio and video manipulation. A Geaorge W. Bush speech was hacked and re-worked by Morris, so that it sounds like Bush is saying what we know he was thinking all along. It's edited so well that at parts it is impossible to tell that it has been doctored at all. The file can be found at http://www.baphomett.demon.co.uk/Chris%20Morris%20-%20Bushwhacked.mp3 and is highly recommended. Other works that Morris has produced include the sublime radio show Blue Jam. This is available in CD format if you missed it on the radio. A series of audio sketches with ambient music in the background, Blue Jam had some way fucked up stuff, including a four year old girl trying to dispose of a dead body, an acupuncture therapist using 9-inch masonry nails and the fantastic series of sketches featuring the odd doctor. If you can't find the Blue Jam CD anywhere, you can find it up on Audio Galaxy. There was one sketch that was never broadcast, such was the offensiveness contained within. Entitled 'Doc Rude', this piece contains blasphemy, bestiality and the greatest disrespect of the dead known to man, but it is so wonderfully executed that it is one of the funniest things I have ever heard. It can be found at http://www.baphomett.demon.co.uk/Chris%20Morris%20-%20Unbroadcastable.mp3 . It's well worth a listen. So there you go. One of the many things I do actually like. Chris Morris, media Terrorist. And if any of you dare compare him to Ali G, I will have your fucking eyes out.