"So now that the reality's sunk in and you begin to re-analyze every word I've ever said, am I a racist? Or am I just someone who tells it how the fuck it is?" - Ice-T, 1997. Take a look in the mirror, all of you. Take a look in the Goddamned mirror. Now, shout at the top of your voice: "You racist motherfucker!" Feel good, did it? I bet not. I bet there's plenty of you thinking, I'm not racist. But you are. Through years of conditioning, we have been bred to believe that if someone is different, they are wrong. And I don't believe there are ANY of you out there who have not had at least one thought that was obscured by some kind of prejudice in the last few months. Before you come back with the inevitable "I can't be racist, I'm one of the minority," just hold up and think for a second. You think that being black in a mostly white community makes you exempt from racism? What about being a muslim in a christian area? The fact of the matter is, it does not make one shred of difference. Black, white, yellow, brown, christian, musil, hindu, native american, mormon, guy with long hair, girl with short hair... It makes absolutely no fucking difference. Hands up all the white people reading this that have felt a twinge of fear upon seeing a black guy walking towards them. Why? Is he going to knife you? Is he going to rob you? Or is he simply going to walk the fuck past, without giving a shit? That twinge of fear comes from being constantly reminded by your parents, grandparent, the news, media, by YOURSELF, that black people are the enemy. Because most black people commit crime, don't they? And most white people are law abiding, aren't they? If you even thought that either of the previous two statements held any truth, reach for the mirror and call yourself racist again. Hands up all the black people who have been turned down for a job by a white guy and thought, I didn't get the job because I'm black. Did it ever occur to you that maybe they gave the job to someone who was more competent than you? That your skin colour had absolutely fuck all to do with the decision? Because white people always get the best jobs, don't they? White managers don't like working with black people, do they? By assuming that all white people are prejudiced against black people, you yourselves are becoming perpetrators of the exact same offence. The fact of the matter is, racism and prejudice is omnipresent and can be committed by ANYONE. The existing racism, however, is not as big a problem as the means by which it is propagated. I suspect that most of you will have filled in a job application form which has a section entitled 'ethnic origin', usually headed by the words "This is an equal opportunities organisation". Well, that's fair enough, isn't it? No, it isn't. In fact it's this Political Correctness bullshit that is adding more fuel to racism than any other factor. Just stop and think for a moment. By filling in the form on that page, what are you doing, essentially? You are highlighting the fact that you are different to everyone else. What if they changed the options so that instead of saying "afro-carribean", "african-american", "white", "oriental", etc. they read "NOT afro-carribean", "NOT african-american", "NOT white", "NOT oriental", and so forth. Does it seem more sinister yet? By filling out that section, you are giving information that should NOT be a factor in determining if you are the best person for the job. If you don't fill in the form, nobody can make a judgement based on this. The example above gives some indication as to just how much of a farce political correctness is. By making certain terms for describing so called minorities a taboo, the differences of said minorities are simply highlighted. On impressionable children, this can cause more damage than people are willing to admit. More often than not, the children would not even have noticed the difference, were it not for their elders (whether it be teachers, parents or anyone) pointing it out. Admittedly, some termms are derogatory, but things start to get ridiculous when you can't call a blackboard a blackboard. A prime example of PC idiocy follows: At my brother's high school, before starting an essay, painting, or other piece of work, the students are encouraged to create a 'brainstorm'... simply write down as many ideas as they can think of onto paper. This has recently been replaced by the 'mind-map', which is identical, save for the name. The word 'brainstorm' is now taboo at the school. Why? Because, according to the teachers, the word 'brainstorm' is offensive to people with mental disorders. Now the children didn't know what the hell was going on, and had never even considered linking the word 'brainstorm' with the mentally ill. But, thanks to this wonderful PC move, the most widely used insult at the school is now... you guessed it, 'brainstorm'... At present, the PC trend does not show any sign of slowing down, which means that racism and prejudice is not going away any time soon. The best we can hope for is that people stop propagating such nonsense by telling racist lies to their children and other impressionable people. Start to think more when filling out forms: Why is this data necessary? Will it simply provide information that may help form an inaccurate depiction of me? Should I even fill it in? I leave it in your hands, but remember this: "Racism is the number one enemy of Earth. There is only one race, the human race." - Ice-T, 1997